Helpful books for business

If your business is in the making, in the process of development or reorganization, some books on business may be of great help. You can make changes within your organization or follow management frameworks. Even perspectives and skills in books may help you transform your business into a more responsible and sustainable organization. However, if you wish to improve leading skills, the following books by prominent authors are for you. The books on leadership are about those who lead in many unique ways and are found in many different environments.


Michael Lewis, the contemporary non-fiction author and financial journalist, takes those who read “The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine” on a thrilling ride into the near abyss. The Big Short is just one among his bestselling books including Liar’s Poker, The New New Thing, The Blind side: Evolution of a Game, and Moneyball: The Art of Winning an Unfair Game.

The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine


Dan Ariely, an Israeli professor of behavioral economics, gives detailed explanation of the way we make decisions that seem contrary to our best interest in his newest book “The Upside of Irrationality: The Unexpected Benefits of Defying Logic at Work and at Home”.


“The Upside of Irrationality: The Unexpected Benefits of Defying Logic at Work and at Home” published on June 1, 2010 by HarperCollins is full of experiments which copy with things including procrastination.


The former chairman and chief executive officer of Goldman Sachs, Henry M. Paulson tells his story in “On the Brink: Inside the Race to Stop the Collapse of the Global Financial System”. Paulson lays the decisions and reasons for the controversial rescue of AIG and sacrificing Fannie and Freddie.


On the Brink: Inside the Race to Stop the Collapse of the Global Financial System


“Blind Descent” by James M. Tabor leads a trip deep into darkness. The author is a climber and explorer of “some really deep caves”. He takes readers to the bottom of the world in search of the world’s deepest caves.


Blind Descent: The Quest to Discover the Deepest Place on Earth


The End of Wall Street by Roger Lowenstein who has written a number of major articles and cover stories for The New York Times Magazine offers one expert reporter’s domino theory about Wall Street’s collapse. The book is imaginative but complex with jigsaw puzzle.


The End of Wall Street


"Rework" by Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson, two of the leading lights behind 37Signals, is fun, inspiring and easy to read. With logical ideas, readers can “rework” their life, business plan, and way of thinking.


"Rework" by Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson


In the “Adventures among Ants” by Mark Moffett, readers can see ants in their roles as warriors, hunters, leaders, and even slave owners. The way ants create marketplace and assembly lines is specifically explained.


Adventures among Ants


Delivering Happiness is about Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh’s company. He shares the different lessons he has learned in business and life.


Delivering Happiness: A Path to Profits, Passion, and Purpose


In "Multipliers: How the Best Leaders Make Everyone Smarter," authors Liz Wiseman and Greg McKeown explore two leadership styles of leaders and explain the way bosses are able to get the best from their employees. The authors have identified five disciplines which are not based on innate talent but skills and practices.


Multipliers: How the Best Leaders Make Everyone Smarter



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