Writing a Business Book - How Coaches Convert Readers to Clients

Maybe you resist. You have doubts. You think writing a business book will take too much time, it takes talent and writing ability, it takes creativity, and your book path will be too difficult for the payoffs.

Forget the myths above. To stand out from the crowd, dare to write a short book that serves your audience. You know your coaching, you have on file many case studies of problems solved by your insights and knowledge. You already have your book inside waiting to spring forth.

First, think a short book that educates your readers on a particular solution you offer. You don't need to write a end all--be all book. Just write one with only three to five chapters. Your audience wants their problem solved. If you know more than one topic, create a series of shorter books.

You target market wants answers to their challenges, how to's, short and easy. Today, business people don't have time to read 200 page books. Maybe, you can start with an eBook for easy and less expensive delivery.Your audience can download from your Web site.

Why Professional Coaches Need to Write a Short Book

It should make a difference in people's live, it should give your audience answers for their questions on your topic. It's like a detailed business card that gives you much more credibility and visibility to attract new clients, brand yourself or business, and makes you the "go to" person, the savvy expert, for useful information in your niche.

How to Write a Chapter with Only One Edit

You can now write a chapter for your print book or eBook that will transform your readers into clients.

1. Start with a hook to engage your reader and create empathy for them. The hook includes asking a few questions about where your reader is now. Follow that with a short paragraph giving two or three reasons to read each chapter. A coach must always think benefits. What's in it for your clients or potential clients?

While you may not know these now, you can brainstorm with a savvy book coach or business associates to come up with a great three to five benefits for each chapter.

Remember, benefits sell; features describe.

2. Use the question and answer device for the middle of each chapter. Show how you'll solve your readers' challenges. Use headlines to make it easy to read. You need to gently lead your reader to the gold. Your reader gets turned off by long paragraphs of your telling what you know.

3. Write the ending with purpose. Sum up what you shared in the chapter, or use an action device such as Take these 3 actions now. Follow these by a last sentence in a new paragraph.

The last sentence should say something like this; Now that you've discovered this and this, are you ready to get this, this an this ( benefits) in the next chapter called "Chapter Title."

Finally, don't wait on writing your business book. If it serves your audience well, it deserves to be written now. It doesn't matter that other similar books are out there. Yours will be unique because you are and so are your potential clients.